I recently had a chance to review a complimentary book that was self published by Tony Townsley and Scott Willy called "
Three Cups." This book is based on a true story and retold by Mark St. German and illustrated by April Willy.
As new parents, my wife and I wanted to find a way to teach our children about money, so we agreed on using a weekly allowance to accomplish this. We thought it equally important to teach our children good values as related to money (saving, spending and charity) to help them develop positive habits early on that would last them the rest of their lives. This was when we came up with the idea of using three cups. We've tried to teach our children that it is not how much money you have that is important, it's how you use it. The three cups we have given them have led us on many wonderful adventures together and have brought our family a lot of joy. We hope you will experience the same joy, excitement and success using three cups with your children... and will share the Three Cups story with others.- Tony Townsley, CPA (taken from the Three Cup's Website
This book is about a 5 year old boy who receives three cups on his birthday. He is disappointed at first but his parents promise that these three cups will take him on an adventure. The three cups are divided as a savings cup, spending cup and charity cup. The boy gives these cups a chance to bring him many adventures. Although it doesn't happen right away, the boy is pleased with the adventures the three cups bring him.
While many parents over think how to teach their children the value of a dollar I was impressed by the simple way this book laid out the plan for saving, spending and donating to charity. I know that if we all use the three cups system in our lives we will be able to enjoy many adventures in our lives. The adventures will not happen right away but I know that they will and can happen. I look forward to starting the adventures with my children.
You can order the Three Cups book on the website
here or on Amazon
I will be giving away 2 copies of this book. All you have to do is leave me a comment with your email (
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*If you do any of these please leave it in a comment below. The contest will end Saturday the 10th at midnight.
*I received this book for review purposes only. I did not get paid for my review.