We started our fun with "Twisted Fish" because that was the most age appropriate game for our kids. They are almost 4 and almost 7. The age recommended for this game on the box is ages 6 and up. Also it is for 3 to 6 players and it plays for about 30 to 40 mins.
This game is a lot like your basic Go Fish game. You match each fish character in the five different colors. Instead of asking for just the name of the fish such as "Do you have a clown fish?" You must instead say "Do you have a red (or other color) clown fish?" Also there are Zinger cards that allow you to "break" the rules.
Other info on Twisted Fish....
- Twisted Fish’s game play takes the traditional game of Go Fish and adds new, essential twists. The familiarity of the rules allow for quick learning.
- Unique Zinger cards ensure that the game is always exciting and fresh.
- Developed by toy and game veteran Martin Uniacke and Hollywood special-effects artist Jody Fedele.
- Humorous, original illustrations created by Jody Fedele keep players laughing at the fishy antics of an aquarium full of comical characters.
- Suitable for ages 8 and up. The whole family will love Twisted Fish for its hilarious game play and outrageous characters.
- Cultivates memory skills as players track cards that “swim” around the table from player to player.
- Both Skill and Luck are needed, making it fun for all ages and skill levels. (taken from the McNeill Website here )

So what did we think of it? Both of my kids give it two thumbs up! They laughed and talked about how silly the fish looked on the cards. Of course my almost 4 year old needed a little help figuring out the game but he still loved it. As for me I loved the time I got to spend with my kids and play a new cooler version of Go Fish! Twisted Fish is so fun and I am sure your kids will enjoy it as much as mine.

Tonight we finished up by playing "You've Been Sentenced." You make up sentences using from 2 to 10 of the cards that you draw. The sentences must be grammatically correct and make some sort of sense. This is a very hard game to play with little kids. We thought our almost 7 year old would be able to do it but she got frustrated with trying to read the words. I would definitely stick with the age recommendation on this one for ages 8 and up. You can have from 3 to 10 players in this game.
The quick play of this game is....
- Everyone draws 10 cards face down.
- When everyone is ready, turn your cards over and spread them out on the table in front of you. .
- Using the words on the cards, build the best sentence you can that is both grammatically correct and makes some sort of sense. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE ALL 10 CARDS!
- The first person done starts the timer. Once you start the timer, you can’t touch your cards. Everyone else can until the timer runs out.
- When time is up, if you started the timer, read your sentence to the other players.
- If no one objects to the grammar or sensibility, you get the points for the words used in your sentence.
- If someone Objects, explain and defend your sentence. Everyone other than the objector and defender then votes. Majority thumbs-up, you get the points. Thumbs-down… Zero points. Ties go to you, and you get the points.
- Next person clockwise takes their turn. When everyone has read and voted on the sentences, everyone discards their hand, draws 10 new cards, and starts a new round.
- First person with the highest score over 200 at the end of a round, WINS! (taken from the McNeill Website here.)
You may need to click to read it
So what do these games cost and where can you find them? "Twisted Fish" and "You've Been Sentenced" can be bought directly on the McNeill Webiste here. "Twisted Fish" for $10.00 and "You've Been Sentenced" for $24.95. Oh and don't forget the add ons for "You Been Sentenced" for $7.95 here. You can also search the website here for local stores that sell these games.
To top off this awesome review I get to give one of my lucky followers a whole set of these games! That includes the "Twisted Fish", "You've Been Sentenced" and the add on sets!
So here is the way to win....
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The giveaway will end on Friday April 2nd at midnight. I will post a winner the following day. *Please leave your email in the comment area so I can contact you if you are the winner.
*If you do any of these please leave what you did in the comment below.
*I did receive these products for free for review purposes and I did not get paid for my review. This is my honest opinion of the products above.